Billboards vs Digital Platform: Which One Is Better For Advertising?
Billboards vs Blogs GAP Billboard Advertising What are Billboard's ads? Billboard ads are typically large posters that one sees usually when driving. Billboards are basically posters in the typical horizon or vertical layouts. Poster display ads are front-lit for visibility at night and are located in areas with high traffic volume. Strengths of outdoor media advertising: Creative Advertising Geographic Coverage Scheduling Flexibility Reach Frequency Cost Efficiency Control for Selective Exposure Attention Creativity for Emotional Response Billboard advertising is usually the advertising we see on roads and highways. In wintertime, one has to put on a number for huge baggy clothes, like fluffy jackets with winter boots. Winter is usually long in a country like Canada. We only get 4-5 months of good weather, by good I mean sunny days. According to the most recent market data, the out-of-home advertising spending in...